timothy initiative


The Timothy Initiative is a nonprofit movement dedicated to ministry as outlined by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5. We believe that Christ offers the promise of becoming a new creation and that our mission as the Timothy Initiative is to seek out the lost, addicted, homeless depressed and those who have been hit hard by life. We believe that we are ministers of reconciliation, urging each man through Christ to be reconciled to God. For us that looks like offering community, accountability, and comprehensive restoration to the broken. Our goal is for each individual to realize the potential of what his life could be once freed from the bondage of despair by the power of Jesus Christ.


about us

We work with those in recovery from addiction or coming out of tough life situations by addressing the needs of the whole man and providing a comprehensive approach to recovery. 


We understand that Truth and Life are found not in an idea but in a person. Jesus Christ said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6). The Timothy Initiative, therefore, believes in uniting broken individuals with a person and not just a program. We hold to these key values found through a relationship with Jesus.

 Life: We seek to introduce men to the Life that is in Jesus Christ, teaching that the life we have been given through Him was meant to be lived fully. For some, it will mean living truly for the first time. 

Truth: We seek to introduce men to the Truth that is in Jesus Christ, exposing the spiritual and emotional deception behind addiction and the denial that allows such a lifestyle to continue,

Reconciliation: We seek to help restore broken relationships with parents, families, or friends or to assist in developing relationships with family that may never have been present.

Hope: We seek to show that living free from pain, isolation, addiction, depression, fear, and despair is possible in Christ. We also work to see light and life shine in the eyes of the lost, to see hope given to the hopeless and futures to those who have been pronounced dead by society.

Community: We seek to walk side by side with these individuals through the pain and darkness of the only life some have ever known and to reach out a helping hand as they cross over into a new life

Discipleship: We seek to disciple those who are sincere in wanting a new life, to lead and lift them the best we can through all of the struggles of this life. We also desire to see disciples make disciples of their own as they continue to grow with Jesus.

Comprehensive care: We seek to defend and care for the lives of the castaway, the unknown, society’s throw-away by providing a sense of belonging, self esteem, security, and love, as well attending to practical, everyday needs. 

Comprehensive approach:

  • Utilizing the power of community and the body of Christ to create an atmosphere of belonging, accountability, and discipleship.
  • Employing the use of work therapy rehabilitation to cultivate self-esteem, empowerment and edification.*
  • Providing one-on-one counseling as a means to true spiritual and emotional recovery.
  •  Assisting in job training, educational assistance and life skills – such as healthy coping mechanisms and drug education – to ensure future stability and the productivity of each individual to be a contributing member of society.
  • Supplying housing with other men committed to recovery and rehabilitation.*
  • Providing fellowship so as not to see anyone face battles alone.
  • Working and watching as the love, power and healing of Christ as seen through the body of Christ restore a broken individual in all areas of life.
*We are not an organization based solely on housing initiatives or a staffing agency. We work with individuals seeking holistic change and not just a segment of the services we offer.


-    Through our focus on inner healing and relational restoration, we hope to see families broken by addiction or any other darkness find healing through the love and power of Christ.
-    Through our commitment to one-on-one discipleship, we hope to raise up men who long to see God’s Kingdom come and understand their position of influence in this endeavor as sons of God. We also hope to see these individuals begin their own ministries or reach out to and disciple those who are still lost and broken.
-    Through our micro business design, we hope to offer support to those with the will and desire to start their own business. We can provide this assistance through grants education and training. 

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